Sunday, December 3, 2006

Karate Club Fundraiser

It's been rewarding and exciting to watch people from all over the world - signing up to over the past couple days.

We are striving to make as useful to your karate training as possible.

For Karate Students - we want to help you prepare for your next belt examination.
For Instructors - we provide an amazing array of drills and applications you can use.
For Dojo Managers - MyShotokan is a fundraiser that will pay your club each month.

Today at we are working on behalf of the Dojo Managers and Dojo Owners.

We want to pay you 50% for any referral that
upgrades to Full Membership!

If you have a website, or a list of email from your past and present karate students - then it will be easy for you to feature a promotion of MyShotokan and earn. If just 10 of your referrals join each month - you could earn almost $120 per month!

Today we are adding a raft of new Fundraising Promotional Tools to make it easier for your Karate Club to promote MyShotokan and EARN.

  1. Does your Martial Arts Website offer a monthly email newsletter? Included a banner for on the thankyou page that your new newsletter subscribers land on after they complete the signup process...
  2. Do you have a Karate Blog? Copy and paste the pre-made form-letter, and you can earn money for any referral that upgrades to a Full Membership!
  3. Familiar with paying for Google Ads? You be able to review our stats in the Free Members Promo Area of, where we will present a case study with profitability projections. - Free Shotokan Traditional
Karate Kata Videos.

Fundraiser for Martial Arts Clubs,
Websites, Blogs and Newsletters.
