Monday, February 12, 2007

Semi-Free Sparing Practice Drill

The final karate class we had this weekend was fantastic!

Everyone was happy and really enjoyed the training - everything was different and new - and each of the two hour classes flew by! I was suprized when the classes seemed to end so quickly!

We did a few memorable things that stand out, and that students commented on afterwards. First off - Sensei worked us through the basic combinations with more intensity than I normally do... I'd say more than twice the repetitions forward and backwards.

My favorite drill was a kind of semi-free sparing with a partner. In a slow, controlled drill with Sensie counting, Partner #1 attacks on the odd numbers with any technique - and Partner #2 blocks with any technique; on the even numbers, Partner #2 takes a turn. The focus was to move naturally and make distance - mix up the techniques with all sorts of kicks, punches and strikes. This kumite training drill was made more interesting by restricting one side to only strike attacks and the other to only kick attacks. By changing the restrictions on techniques, we were forced to try moves we would normally ignore or avoid. It was a refreshing challenge.

After training, we all took Sensie Don and Sempai Jill out for lunch. The massive hamberger with Canadian back-bacon, mushrooms and swiss cheeze sure hit the spot!

Now that my weekend of karate seminars is complete, I have time to get back working on MyShotokan. There are about 12 hours of work left to complete before the launch tomorrow! I'm excited and apprehensive at the same time!!

Until then...


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