Saturday, February 17, 2007

New Shotokan Karate Videos

No more delays - the site will be opening on schedule this Tuesday!

Thank you again for all your email and messages over this past week as the renovations are being finalized. I'm really humbled by the number of people who are telling me that THEY can't wait for the site to be re-opened!

I can certaily assure you that it's all going to be worth the wait!

What's the most exciting part for me? I'm not sure if it's the great new look and layout, or if it's the new shotokan JKA Masters karate videos I've been able to find! Many of the searches to find these videos were very obsure - but the results were like a prospector finding nuggetts of gold in unexpected places. Solid gold, amazing videos of the top JKA Masters... and as you'll see - it's no wonder that these men are at the top. They did not get promoted for politics. They really are amoung the most astonishing atheletes the world has ever witnessed.

The Free Membership section of the site, the Videos of the 26 Shotokan Traditional Kata, is completed.

Sensie's Office is almost completed. Those members who hold the Dojo Key Subscription will have access to an expanded and improved section with videos of the worlds top JKA Karate Masters including Funakoshi, Nakayama, Nishiyama, Asai, Okazaki, Enoeda, Kanazawa, Yahara and Abe. Dojo Key Members will find much more in Sensie's Office! Such as Karate lessons teaching Kihon and Basic Combinations in Japanese, and special sections of videos on Karate Kicking Drills, Kumite Drills and many karate tournament highlight videos. In addition, Dojo Key holders can also access a special section on four advanced Shotokan Kata that you may have never seen before.

I'm creating a Special Bonus section of Amazing Stunts Videos. These Martial Artist will make you do a double-take, rub your eyes and shake your head before you watch the video again. No kidding. These Amazing Martial Artist Stuntmen are not necessarily Shotokan Karate-ka, but we who love Unsu, Kanku-sho, Enpi and Heian Godan for the jumps and athletics will be impressed... no, you will be astonished by these videos.

Finally I have two more of the most exciting areas to complete before Tuesday... only a few more hours at the computer checking off the final things my list of things left to complete before launch time in 2 days, 23 hours...

Ok - back to work/play!

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